# Vegan overnight oats


1/4 cup rolled oats

1 tablespoon chia seeds

3/4 cup coconut milk

2 prunes

Chopped fruit of your choice for topping


1. In a glass bowl, mix rolled oats, chia seeds, coconut milk.

2. Soak the prunes in hot water for 10 minutes and make a puree.

3. Add the prunes with the oats mixture and freeze overnight for 8 hours.

4. When you’re ready to serve, stir the mixture and add chopped fruit of your choice and serve to the baby.

Please note: You can substitute prunes with dates, vanilla extract or any sweet alternative to add a bit of taste for the baby.

# Overnight Oats


  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 3/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • Chopped fruit topping (like blueberries, raspberries, banana, etc)


  • In a small glass jar, mix everything except the fruit topping and refrigerate the mixture for 8 hours.
  • When you’re ready to serve, open the jar and mix everything, top with the fresh fruit and serve to the baby.